Rob & Maureen Hocker

Welcome to our home page. We love Y'shua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) and hope that within these pages honor is brought to His name. We hope to build a place where people can come to learn more about our great G-d... how He changed our lives by loving us first and dying for our sins. How He can change anyone who is willing to receive and trust Him as their L-rd and Saviour! Thank you for visiting!

Pictures of our 1998 Trip To Israel

Pictures from our trip to Greece/Israel with Hope For Today (Athens/Mykinos)
More Pictures (Ephesus/Kusadasi/Patmos/Rhodes)
More Pictures (Crete/Santorini/Corinth)
More Pictures (Caesarea, Galilee, Nazareth, Zippori)
More Pictures (Baptisms, Capernaum, Galilee boat, Hazor, Tabgha, Galilee sunrise)
Israel's Western Wall Tunnel Pictures
Hope For Today's Home Page

Listen to past broadcasts of The Israel Connection by clicking the links below.

Bea Watson, the Oregon Representative of Bridges For Peace, hosts this program which airs Saturdays in the Portland area on KKPZ, AM. She also hosts a Tuesday night Chai - "Life" study group where we learn about current events in Israel, read the bible, and pray for G-d's will for Israel and the Jewish people.

Broadcast of 12/30/00 - Discussion about Israel with Rob Hocker

Broadcast of 01/06/01 - Discussion about Palestinian Refugees with Larry Ehrlich, National Director of Bridges For Peace

Broadcast of 01/13/01 - Discussion about the Temple Mount with Larry Ehrlich, National Director of Bridges For Peace

I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew.   ...for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. Romans 11:1,2,11

David Dolan

Jerusalem-Based Correspondent and Journalist

February 21, 2001, David Dolan Speaks at the First Baptist Church of Hillsboro, Oregon - Part I

February 21, 2001, David Dolan Speaks at the First Baptist Church of Hillsboro, Oregon - Part II

Ordering Information for Israel In Crisis

Alan Keyes

Speaks from the heart about what our nation needs to hear

A message for our country from Alan Keyes

Alan Keyes at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA on 10/28/2000 - Part I

Alan Keyes at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA on 10/28/2000 - Part II

President George W. Bush

Hear his speech at Parkrose Highschool in Portland, OR, on January 5, 2002

Pictures from Sept. 2003 East Coast Trip

Our cat, "Nugget"

If you have comments or suggestions, email us at